Recent Product & Service Citations
1.Xiao W, Fan Y, Wang N, Chuang PY, Lee K, He JC. Knockdown of RTN1A attenuates ER stress and kidney injury inalbumin overload-induced nephropathy. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2016; 310: F409 ~ F415.
2.Pallikkuth S, Sharkey M, Babic DZ, Gupta S, Stone GW, Fischl MA, Stevenson M, Pahwa S. Peripheral T Follicular Helper Cells Are the Major HIV Reservoir Within Central Memory CD4 T Cells in Peripheral Blood from chronic HIV infected individuals on cART. J Virol. 2016; 90: 2718 ~ 2728.
3.Xia C, Vijayan M, Pritzl CJ, Fuchs SY, McDermott AB, Hahm B. Hemagglutinin of influenza A virus antagonizes type I IFN responses by inducing degradation of type I IFN receptor 1. J Virol. 2016; 90: 2403 ~ 2417.
4.Sowd GA, Serrao E, Wang H, Wang W, Fadel HJ, Poeschla EM and Engelman AN. A critical role for alternative polyadenylation factor CPSF6 in targeting HIV-1 integration to transcriptionally active chromatin. PNAS, 2016; 113: E1054 - E1063.
5.Peng C, Haller SL, Rahman MN, McFadden G and Rothenburg S. Myxoma virus M156 is a specific inhibitor of rabbit PKR but contains a loss -of-function mutation in Australian virus isolates. PNAS, Feb 2016; 10.1073/pnas.1515613113.
6.Shire K, Wong AI, Tatham MH, Anderson OF, Ripsman D, Gulstene S, Moffat J, Hay RT, Frappier L. Identification of RNF168 as a PML nuclear body regulator. J Cell Sci. 2016; 129(3): 580 ~ 591.
7.Zhao Y, Tang JW, Yang Z, Cao YB, Ren JL, Ben-Abu Y, Li K, Chen XQ, Du JZ and Nevo E. Adaptive methylation regulation of p53 pathway in sympatric speciation of blind mole rats, Spalax. PNAS, 2016; 10.1073/pnas. 1522658112.
8.Guirado R, Umemori J, Sipil? P and Castrén E. Evidence for Competition for Target Innervation in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Cereb Cortex, 2016; 26: 1287 ~ 1294.
9.Fasina OO, Dong Y, Pintel DJ. NP1 Protein of the Bocaparvovirus Minute Virus of Canines Controls Access to the Viral Capsid Genes via Its Role in RNA Processing. J Virol. 2016; 90: 1718 ~ 1728.
10.Markwardt ML, Seckinger KM, Rizzo MA. Regulation of Glucokinase by Intracellular Calcium Levels in Pancreatic Beta Cells. J Biol Chem. 2016; 291: 3000 ~ 3009.
11.Ajiro m, Jia R, Yang Y, Zhu J and Zheng ZM. A genome landscape of SRSF3-regulated splicing events and gene expression in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells. Nucleic Acids Res., 2016; 2016; 44: 1854 ~ 1870.
12.Jiang X, Kim KJ, Ha T, Lee SH. Potential Dual Role of Activating Transcription Factor 3 in Colorectal Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2016; 36: 509 ~ 516.
13.Newman DR, Sills WS, Hanrahan K, Ziegler A, Tidd KM, Cook E, Sannes PL. Expression of WNT5A in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Its Control by TGF-β and WNT7B in Human Lung Fibroblasts. J Histochem Cytochem.2016; 64: 99 ~ 111.
14.Poudel B, Ki HH, Luyen BT, Lee YM, Kim YH, Kim DK. Triticumoside induces apoptosis via caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathway and inhibits migration through downregulation of MMP2/9 in human lung cancer cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2016; 48: 153 ~ 160.
15.Ouyang Q, Chen G, Zhou J, Li L, Dong Z, Yang R, Xu L, Cui H, Xu M, Yi L. Neurotensin signaling stimulates glioblastoma cell proliferation by upregulating c-Myc and inhibiting miR-29b-1 and miR-129-3p. Neuro Oncol.2016; 18(2): 216 ~ 26.
16.Rohleder F, Huang J, Xue Y, Kuper J, Round A, Seidman M, Wang W and Kisker C. FANCM interacts with PCNA to promote replication traverse of DNA interstrand crosslinks. Nucleic Acids Res., 2016; 10.1093/nar/gkw037.
17.Sharma NR, Wang X, Majerciak V, Ajiro M, Kruhlak M, Meyers C, Zheng ZM. Cell-type and Tissue Context-dependent Nuclear Distribution of Human Ago2. J Biol Chem. 2016; 291: 2302 - 2309.
18.Jürgen Tuvikene, Priit Pruunsild, Ester Orav, Eli-Eelika Esvald, and T?nis Timmusk. AP-1 Transcription Factors Mediate BDNF-Positive Feedback Loop in Cortical Neurons. J. Neurosci., 2016; 36: 1290 ~ 1305.
19.Kim MA, Cho HJ, Bae SH, Lee B, Oh SK, Kwon TJ, Ryoo ZY, Kim HY, Cho JH, Kim UK, Lee KY. Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B3-Targeted In Utero Gene Therapy Rescues Hearing Function in a Mouse Model of Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2016 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print]
20.Zheng D, Yu Y, Li M, Wang G, Chen R, Fan GC, Martin C, Xiong S, Peng T. Inhibition of miR-195 prevents apoptosis and multiple-organ injury in mouse models of sepsis. J Infect Dis. 2016; 10.1093/infdis/jiv760.
21.Dong Q, Giorgianni F, Beranova-Giorgianni S, Deng X, O'meally RN, Bridges D, Park EA, Cole RN, Elam MB, Raghow R. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 mediated phosphorylation of serine 73 targets sterol response element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) for proteasomal degradation. Biosci Rep. 2016; 36: e00284.
22.Tedbury PR, Novikova M, Ablan SD, Freed EO. Biochemical evidence of a role for matrix trimerization in HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein incorporation. PNAS 2016; 113: E182 ~ E190.
23.Ni R, Zheng D, Xiong S, Hill DJ, Sun T, Gardiner RB, Fan GC, Lu Y, Abel ED, Greer PA, Peng T. Mitochondrial calpain-1 disrupts ATP synthase and induces superoxide generation in type-1 diabetic hearts: a novel mechanism contributing to diabetic cardiomyopathy. Diabetes. 2016; 65: 255 - 268.
24.Hwang KY and Choi YB. Modulation of Mitochondrial Antiviral Signaling by Human Herpesvirus 8 Interferon Regulatory Factor 1. J. Virol., 2016; 90: 506 ~ 520.
25.Zhou MH, Bavencoffe A and Pan HL. Molecular Basis of Regulating High Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels by S-Nitrosylation. J. Biol. Chem., 2015; 290: 30616 ~ 30623.
26.Nagy Z, Wynne K, von Kriegsheim A, Gambaryan S, Smolenski A. Cyclic Nucleotide-dependent Protein Kinases Target ARHGAP17 and ARHGEF6 Complexes in Platelets. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 29974 ~ 29983.
27.Xu Z, Zeng X, Xu J, Xu D, Li J, Jin H, Jiang G, Han X and Huang C. Isorhapontigenin suppresses growth of patient-derived glioblastoma spheres through regulating miR-145/SOX2/cyclin D1 axis. Neuro Oncology, Dec 2015; 10.1093/neuonc/nov298.
28.Tamberg L, Sepp M, Timmusk T and Palgi M. Introducing Pitt-Hopkins syndrome-associated mutations of TCF4 to Drosophila daughterless. Biology Open, 2015; 4: 1762 ~1771.
29.Shields BB, Pecot CV, Gao H, McMillan E, Potts M, Nagel C, Purinton S, Wang Y, Ivan C, Kim HS, Borkowski RJ, Khan S, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Lopez-Berestein G, Lea J, Gazdar A, Baggerly KA, Sood AK and White MA. A genome-scale screen reveals context-dependent ovarian cancer sensitivity to miRNA overexpression. Mol Syst Biol, Dec 2015; 11: 842.
30.Decker CE, Yang Z, Rimer R, Park-Min KH, Macaubas C, Mellins ED, Novack DV and Faccio R. Tmem178 acts in a novel negative feedback loop targeting NFATc1 to regulate bone mass. PNAS, 2015; 112: 15654 ~ 15659.
31.Dai J, Bercury KK, Jin W and Macklin WB. Olig1 Acetylation and Nuclear Export Mediate Oligodendrocyte Development. J. Neurosci., 2015; 35: 15875 ~ 15893.
32.Ramon Guirado, Juzoh Umemori, Pia Sipil?, and Eero Castrén. Evidence for Competition for Target Innervation in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Cereb Cortex, 2015; 10.1093/cercor/bhv280.
33.Darovic S, Mihevc SP, ?upunski V, Gun?ar G, ?talekar M, Lee YB, Shaw CE, Rogelj B. Phosphorylation of C-terminal tyrosine 526 in FUS impairs its nuclear import. J Cell Sci. 2015; 128: 4151 - 4159.
34.Agarwal S, Bell CM, Rothbart SB, Moran RG. AMPK control of mTORC1 is p53- and TSC2-independent in pemetrexed-treated carcinoma cells. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 27473 ~ 27486.
35.Desmond PF, Muriel J, Markwardt ML, Rizzo MA, Bloch RJ. Identification of Small Ankyrin 1 as a Novel Sarco(endo)plasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 1 (SERCA1) Regulatory Protein in Skeletal Muscle. J Biol Chem.2015; 290: 27854 ~ 27867.
36.Zhang H, Lu H, Xiang L, Bullen JW, Zhang C, Samanta D, Gilkes DM, He J, Semenza GL. HIF-1 regulates CD47 expression in breast cancer cells to promote evasion of phagocytosis and maintenance of cancer stem cells.PNAS, 2015; 112: E6215 ~ E6223.
37.Hunt JB, Nash KR, Placides D, Moran P, Selenica MB, AbuqalbeenFRatnasamy K, Slouha N, Rodriguez-Ospina S, Savlia M, Ranaweera Y, Reid P, Dickey CA, Uricia R, Yang CGY, Sandusky LA, Gordon MN, Morgan D and Lee DC. Sustained Arginase 1 Expression Modulates Pathological Tau Deposits in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy. J. Neurosci., 2015; 35: 14842 ~ 14860.
38.Macabuag N and Dolphin AC. Alternative Splicing in CaV2.2 Regulates Neuronal Trafficking via Adaptor Protein Complex-1 Adaptor Protein Motifs. J. Neurosci., 2015; 35: 14636 ~ 14652.
39.Gnedeva K and Hudspeth AJ. SoxC transcription factors are essential for the development of the inner ear. PNAS, 2015; 112: 14066 ~ 14071.
40.Chen H, Kleinberger JW, Takane KK, Salim F, Fiaschi-Taesch N, Pappas K, Parsons R, Jiang J, Zhang Y, Liu H, Wang P, Bender AS, Frank SJ, Stewart AF. Augmented Stat5 Signaling Bypasses Multiple Impediments to Lactogen-Mediated Proliferation in Human Beta Cells. Diabetes. 2015; 64: 3784 ~ 3797.
41.Akef A, Lee ES, Palazzo AF. Splicing promotes the nuclear export of β-globin mRNA by overcoming nuclear retention elements. RNA. 2015; 21: 1908 ~ 1920.
42.Li M, Dean ED, Zhao L, Nicholson WE, Powers AC, Chen W. Glucagon receptor inactivation leads to α-cell hyperplasia in zebrafish. J Endocrinol. 2015; 227(2): 93 ~ 103.
43.Chichger H, Braza J, Duong H, Stark M, Harrington EO. Neovascularization in the pulmonary endothelium is regulated by the endosome: Rab4-mediated trafficking and p18-dependent signaling. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015; 309: L700 ~ L709.
44.Cui XA, Zhang H, Ilan L, Liu AX, Kharchuk I, Palazzo AF. mRNA encoding Sec61β, a tail-anchored protein, is localized on the endoplasmic reticulum. J Cell Sci. 2015; 128(18):3398 ~ 3410
45.Sun X, Charbonneau C, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM. miR-181a Targets RGS16 to Promote Chondrosarcoma Growth, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis. Mol Cancer Res. 2015; 13(9):1347 ~ 1357.
46.Memari B, Bouttier M, Dimitrov V, Ouellette M, Behr MA, Fritz JH and White JH. Engagement of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Mycobacterium tuberculosis–Infected Macrophages Has Pleiotropic Effects on Innate Immune Signaling. J Immunology, 2015; 195: 4479 ~ 4491.
47.Yang H, Liu S, He WT, Zhao J, Jiang LL1, Hu HY. Aggregation of Polyglutamine-expanded Ataxin 7 Protein Specifically Sequesters Ubiquitin-specific Protease 22 and Deteriorates Its Deubiquitinating Function in the Spt-Ada-Gcn5-Acetyltransferase (SAGA) Complex. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290(36): 21996 ~ 22004.
48.Fontana J, Jurado KA, Cheng N, Ly NL, Fuchs JR, Gorelick RJ, Engelman AN, Steven AC. Distribution and Redistribution of HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein in Immature, Mature, and Integrase-inhibited Virions: A Role for Integrase in Maturation. J Virol. 2015; 89: 9765 ~ 9780.
49.Shen W, Deng X, Zou W, Cheng F, Engelhardt JF, Yan Z, Qiu J. Identification and Functional Analysis of Novel Non-structural Proteins of Human Bocavirus 1. J Virol. 2015; 89: 10097 ~ 10109.
50.Zhang H, Guan M, Townsend KL, Huang TL, An D, Yan X, Xue R, Schulz TJ, Winnay J, Mori M, Hirshman MF, Kristiansen K, Tsang JS, White AP, Cypess AM, Goodyear LJ, Tseng YH. MicroRNA-455 regulates brown adipogenesis via a novel HIF1an-AMPK-PGC1α signaling network. EMBO Rep. 2015 Aug 24. pii: e201540837. [Epub ahead of print]
51.Kaneko I, Saini RK, Griffin KP, Whitfield GK, Haussler MR, Jurutka PW. FGF23 gene regulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D: opposing effects in adipocytes and osteocytes. J Endocrinol. 2015;226: 155 ~ 166.
52.McNelis JC, Lee YS, Mayoral R, van der Kant R, Johnson AM, Wollam J, Olefsky JM. GPR43 potentiates beta cell function in obesity. Diabetes. 2015; 64: 3203 ~ 3217.
53.Yuan J, Liu W, Karvar S, Baker SS, He W, Baker RD, Ji G, Xie J, Zhu L. Potassium channel KCNJ15 is required for histamine-stimulated gastric acid secretion. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2015; 309(4): C264 ~C270.
54.Huang H, Pan X, Jin H, Li Y, Zhang L, Yang C, Liu P, Liu Y, Chen L, Li J, Zhu J, Zeng X, Fu K, Chen G, Gao J, Huang C. PHLPP2 Downregulation Contributes to Lung Carcinogenesis Following B[a]P/B [a]PDE Exposure. Clin Cancer Res. 2015; 21: 3783 ~ 3793.
55.Gong X, Zhang L, Huang T, Lin TV, Miyares L, Wen J, Hsieh L, Bordey A. Activating the translational repressor 4E-BP or reducing S6K- GSK3β activity prevents accelerated axon growth induced by hyperactive mTOR in vivo. Hum Mol Genet. 2015; 24(20): 5746 ~ 5758.
56.Mallik S, Popodi EM, Hanson AJ, Foster PL. Interactions and Localization of Escherichia coli Error-Prone DNA Polymerase IV after DNA Damage. J Bacteriol. 2015; 197(17): 2792 ~ 809.
57.Li S, Hu J, Jin RJ, Aiyar A, Jacobson SG, Bok D, Jin M. Temperature-sensitive retinoid isomerase activity of RPE65 mutants associated with Leber Congenital Amaurosis. J Biochem. 2015; 158: 115 ~ 125.
58.Qiao S, Guo W, Liao L, Wang L, Wang Z, Zhang R, Xu DQ, Zhang YX, Pan Y, Wang ZZ and Chen Y. DDB2 is involved in ubiquitination and degradation of PAQR3 and regulates tumorigenesis of gastric cancer cells. Biochem J, 2015; 469: 469 ~ 480.
59.Trzcińska-Daneluti AM1, Chen A1, Nguyen L1, Murchie R1, Jiang C1, Moffat J2, Pelletier L3, Rotin D4. RNA Interference Screen to Identify Kinases That Suppress Rescue of ΔF508-CFTR. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015; 14(6):1569 ~ 1583.
60.Moshkovits I, Karo-Atar D, Itan M, Reichman H, Rozenberg P, Morgenstern-Ben-Baruch N, Shik D, Ejarque-Ortiz A, Hershko AY, Tian L, Coligan JE, Say?3s J, Munitz A. CD300f associates with IL-4 receptor α and amplifies IL-4-induced immune cell responses. PNAS, 2015; 112: 8708 ~ 8713.
61.Han S, Lear TB, Jerome JA, Rajbhandari S, Snavely CA, Gulick DL, Gibson KF, Zou C, Chen BB, Mallampalli RK. Lipopolysaccharide primes the NALP3 inflammasome by inhibiting its ubiquitination and degradation mediated by the SCFFBXL2 E3 ligase. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 18124 ~ 18133.
62.Ouyang Q, Chen G, Zhou J, Li L, Dong Z, Yang R, Xu L, Cui H, Xu M and Yi L. Neurotensin signaling stimulates glioblastoma cell proliferation by upregulating c-Myc and inhibiting miR-29b-1 and miR-129-3p. Neuro Oncology, Jul 2015; 10.1093/neuonc/nov114.
63.Shintaro Iwashita, Takehiro Suzuki, Takeshi Yasuda, Kentaro Nakashima, Taiichi Shinobu Imajoh-Ohmi, Si- Young Song, and Naoshi Dohmae. Mammalian Bcnt/Cfdp1, a potential epigenetic factor characterized by an acidic stretch in the disordered N-terminal and Ser250 phosphorylation in the conserved C -terminal regions. Biosci. Rep., Jul 2015; 35: e00228.
64.Chichger H, Duong H, Braza J, Harrington EO. p18, a novel adaptor protein, regulates pulmonary endothelial barrier function via enhanced endocytic recycling of VE-cadherin. FASEB J. 2015; 29(3): 868 ~ 881.
65.Valencia-Sama I, Zhao Y, Lai D, van Rensburg HJ, Hao Y, Yang X. Hippo component TAZ functions as a co-repressor and negatively regulates ΔNp63 transcription through TEAD. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 16906 - 16917.
66.Coyaud E, Mis M, Laurent EMN, Dunham WD, Couzens AL, Robitaille M, Gingras AD, Angers S and Raught B. BioID-based Identification of Skp Cullin F-box (SCF)β-TrCP1/2 E3 Ligase Substrates. Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 2015; 14: 1781 ~ 1795.
67.Moshkovits I, Karo-Atar D, Itan M, Reichman H, Rozenberg P, Morgenstern-Ben-Baruch N, Shik D, Ejarque-Ortiz A, Hershko AY, Tian L, Coligan JE, Say?3s J and Munitz A. CD300f associates with IL-4 receptor α and amplifies IL-4a€“induced immune cell responses. PNAS, Jun 2015; 10.1073/pnas.1507625112.
68.Baeten JT, Lilly B. Differential Regulation of NOTCH2 and NOTCH3 Contribute to their Unique Functions in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 16226 ~ 16237.
69.Chaudhry AS, Prasad B, Shirasaka Y, Fohner A, Finkelstein D, Fan Y, Wang S, Wu G, Aklillu E, Sim S, Thummel K, Schuetz EG. The CYP2C19 Intron 2 Branch Point SNP is the Ancestral Polymorphism Contributing to the Poor Metabolizer Phenotype in Livers with CYP2C19*35 and CYP2C19*2 Alleles. Drug Metab Dispos. 2015 ; 43: 1226 ~ 1235.
70.Jones K, Wei C, Schoser B, Meola G, Timchenko N, Timchenko L. Reduction of toxic RNAsin myotonic dystrophies type 1 and type 2 by the RNA helicase p68/DDX5. PNAS. 2015; 112: 8041 ~ 8045.
71. Mandal S, Mandal A, Park MH. Depletion of the Polyamines Spermidine and Spermine by Overexpression of Spermidine/spermine N1-Acetyltransferase1 (SAT1) Leads to Mitochondria-Mediated Apoptosis in Mammalian Cells. Biochem J. 2015; 468: 435 ~ 447.
72. Sun L, Tan R, Xu J, LaFace J, Gao Y, Xiao Y, Attar M, Neumann C, Li GM, Su B, Liu Y, Nakajima S, Levine AS and Lan L. Targeted DNA damage at individual telomeres disrupts their integrity and triggers cell death.Nucleic Acids Res., 2015; 43: 6334 ~ 6347.
73. Zhang CY, Ponugoti B, Tian C, Xu FX, Tarapore R, Batres A, Alsadun S, Lim J, Dong GY and Graves DT. FOXO1 differentially regulates both normal and diabetic wound healing. J. Cell Biol., 2015; 209: 289 ~ 303.
74. Fang J, Liu Y, Wei Y, Deng W, Yu Z, Huang L, Teng Y, Yao T, You Q, Ruan H, Chen P, Xu RM, Li G. Structural transitions of centromeric chromatin regulate the cell cycle-dependent recruitment of CENP-N. Genes Dev.2015 ;29: 1058 ~ 1073.
75. Han YH, Shi Q and Jiang J. Multisite interaction with Sufu regulates Ci/Gli activity through distinct mechanisms in Hh signal transduction. PNAS, 2015; 112: 6383 ~ 6388.
76. Zhou Q, Lavorgna A, Bowman M, Hiscott J, Harhaj EW. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein targets IRF7 to suppress antiviral signaling and the induction of type I interferon. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 14729 ~ 14739.
77. Borges S, Perez EA, Thompson EA, Radisky DC, Geiger XJ, Storz P. Effective Targeting of Estrogen Receptor-Negative Breast Cancers with the Protein Kinase D Inhibitor CRT0066101. Mol Cancer Ther. 2015; 14: 1306 ~ 1316.
78. Wei WC, Liu CP, Yang WC, Shyur LF, Sheu JH, Chen SS, Yang NS. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) regulates LPS-induced expression of IL-12 and IL-23 in human dendritic cells. J Leukoc Biol. 2015; 97: 1071 ~ 1080.
79. Joshi Y, S?3ria MG, Quadrato G, Inak G, Zhou L, Hervera A, Rathore KI, Elnaggar M, Magali C, Marine JC, Puttagunta R, Giovanni SD. The MDM4/MDM2-p53-IGF1 axis controls axonal regeneration, sprouting and functional recovery after CNS injury. Brain. 2015; 138: 1843 ~ 1862.
80. Fu P, Usatyuk PV, Lele A, Harijith A, Gregorio CC, Garcia JG, Salgia R, Natarajan V. c-Abl mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin regulates LPS-induced endothelial dysfunction and lung injury. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015; 308(10): L1025 ~ 38.
81. Stroedicke M, Bounab Y, Strempel N, Klockmeier K, Yigit S, Friedrich RP, Chaurasia G, Li S, Hesse F, Riechers SP, Russ J, Nicoletti C, Boeddrich A, Wiglenda T, Haenig C, Schnoegl S, Fournier D, Graham RK, Hayden MR, Sigrist S, Bates GP, Priller J, Andrade-Navarro MA, Futschik ME, Wanker EE. Systematic interaction network filtering identifies CRMP1 as a novel suppressor of huntingtin misfolding and neurotoxicity. Genome Res. 2015; 25: 701 ~ 713.
82. Shen XC, Xi G, Wai C and Clemmons DR. The Coordinate Cellular Response to Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) and Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein-2 (IGFBP-2) Is Regulated through Vimentin Binding to Receptor Tyrosine Phosphatase β (RPTPβ). J. Biol. Chem., 2015; 290: 11578 ~ 11590.
83. Blanco B, Angulo U, Krangel MS and Hern??ndez-Munain C. T-cell receptor α enhancer is inactivated in αβ T lymphocytes. PNAS, 2015; 112: E1744 ~ E1753.
84. Peng LR, Yuan ZG, Li YX, Ling HB, Izumi V, Fang B, Fukasawa KJ, Koomen J, Chen JD and Seto E. Ubiquitinated Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) Function Is Modulated during DNA Damage-induced Cell Death and Survival. J. Biol. Chem., 2015; 290: 8904 - 8912.
85. Elmes MW, Kaczocha M, Berger WT, Leung KN, Ralph BP, Wang LQ, Sweeney JM, Miyauchi JT, Tsirka SE, Ojima I and Deutsch DG. Fatty Acid-binding Proteins (FABPs) Are Intracellular Carriers for {Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). J. Biol. Chem., 2015; 290: 8711 ~ 8721.
86. JSousa JF, Nam KT, Petersen CP, Lee HJ, Yang HK, Kim WH and Goldenring JR. miR-30-HNF4{gamma} and miR-194-NR2F2 regulatory networks contribute to the upregulation of metaplasia markers in the stomach. Gut,2015; 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-308759.
87. Maretzky T, Evers A, Le Gall S, Alabi RO, Speck N, Reiss K, Blobel CP. The Cytoplasmic Domain of A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10) Regulates its Constitutive Activity but is Dispensable for Stimulated ADAM10-dependent Shedding. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 7416 ~ 7425.
88. Gupta S, Clark ES, Termini JM, Boucher J, Kanagavelu S, LeBranche CC, Abraham S, Montefiori DC, Khan WN, Stone GW. DNA vaccine molecular adjuvants SP-D-BAFF and SP-D-APRIL enhance anti-gp120 immune response and increase HIV-1 neutralizing antibody titers. J Virol. 2015; 89: 4158 ~ 4169.
89. Torr EE, Ngam CR, Bernau K, Tomasini-Johansson B, Acton B, Sandbo N. Myofibroblasts exhibit enhanced fibronectin assembly that is intrinsic to their contractile phenotype. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 6951 - 6961.
90. Wei C, Lin M, Jinjun B, Su F, Dan C, Yan C, Jie Y, Jin Z, Zi-Chun H, Wu Y. Involvement of General Control Non-Derepressible Kinase 2 in Cancer Cell Apoptosis by Posttranslational Mechanisms. Mol Biol Cell. 2015; 26: 1044 ~ 1057.
91. Zhang Y, Wang Q, Chen L, Yang HS. Inhibition of p70S6K1 Activation by Pdcd4 Overcomes the Resistance to an IGF-1R/IR Inhibitor in Colon Carcinoma Cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 2015; 14: 799 ~ 809.
92. Wang Y, Dong G, Jeon HH, Elazizi M, La LB, Hameedaldeen A, Xiao E, Tian C, Alsadun S, Choi Y, Graves DT. FOXO1 Mediates RANKL-Induced Osteoclast Formation and Activity. J Immunol. 2015; 194: 2878 ~ 2887.
93. Miao B, Ji Z, Tan L, Taylor M, Zhang J, Choi HG, Frederick DT, Kumar R, Wargo JA, Flaherty KT, Gray NS, Tsao H. EPHA2 Is a Mediator of Vemurafenib Resistance and a Novel Therapeutic Target in Melanoma. Cancer Discov. 2015; 5: 274 ~ 287.
94. Dal Mas A, Rogalska ME, Bussani E, Pagani F. Improvement of SMN2 pre-mRNA processing mediated by exon-specific U1 small nuclear RNA. Am J Hum Genet. 2015; 96(1): 93 ~ 103.
95. Majerciak V, Pripuzova N, Chan C, Temkin N, Specht SI, Zheng ZM. Stability of structured Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus ORF57 protein is regulated by protein phosphorylation and homodimerization. J Virol.2015; 89: 3256 - 3274.
96. Munns CH, Chung MK, Sanchez YE, Amzel LM, Caterina MJ. Role of the outer pore domain in Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 dynamic permeability to large cations. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 5707 ~ 5724.
97. Huang JY, Chou SF, Lee JW, Chen HL, Chen CM, Tao MH, Shih C. MicroRNA-130a can inhibit hepatitis B virus replication via targeting PGC1α and PPARγ. RNA. 2015; 21(3):385 ~ 400.
98. Becerra S, Montes M, Hern??ndez-Munain C, Su?±?? C. Prp40 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog B (PRPF40B) associates with SF1 and U2AF65 and modulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing in vivo. RNA. 2015; 21(3):438 ~ 457.
99. Xiao J, Zhang T, Xu D, Wang H, Cai Y, Jin T, Liu M, Jin M, Wu K, Yuan J. FBXL20-mediated Vps34 ubiquitination as a p53 controlled checkpoint in regulating autophagy and receptor degradation. Genes Dev. 2015; 29(2):184 ~ 196.
100. Kara I, Poggi M, Bonardo B, Govers R, Landrier JF, Tian S, Leibiger I, Day R, Creemers JW, Peiretti F. The Paired Basic Amino Acid-cleaving Enzyme 4 (PACE4) Is Involved in the Maturation of Insulin Receptor Isoform B: AN OPPORTUNITY TO REDUCE THE SPECIFIC INSULIN RECEPTOR-DEPENDENT EFFECTS OF INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR 2 (IGF2). J Biol Chem. 2015;290(5):2812 ~ 2821.
101. Zhang W, Zhang X, Gonz??lez-Cobos JC, Stolwijk JA, Matrougui K, Trebak M. LeukotrieneC4 Synthase, a Critical Enzyme in the Activation of Store-Independent Orai1/Orai3 Channels, is Required for Neointimal Hyperplasia. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290: 5015 ~ 5027.
102. Tian Y, Gawlak G, Shah AS, Higginbotham K, Tian X, Kawasaki Y, Akiyama T, Sacks DB, Birukova AA. Hepatocyte Growth Factor-induced Asef-IQGAP1 Complex Controls Cytoskeletal Remodeling and Endothelial Barrier. J Biol Chem. 2015; 290(7):4097 ~ 4109.
103. Ajiro M and Zheng ZM. E6^E7, a Novel Splice Isoform Protein of Human Papillomavirus 16, Stabilizes Viral E6 and E7 Oncoproteins via HSP90 and GRP78. mBio. 2015; 6: e02068-14.
104. Thakran S, Zhang Q, Morales-Tirado V, Steinle JJ. Pioglitazone Restores IGFBP-3 Levels Through DNA PK in Retinal Endothelial Cells Cultured in Hyperglycemic Conditions. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015; 56(1):177~ 184.
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